
Wellness is an integral component here at UTSW/CMC Pediatric Residency program. Our residents work hard, and we understand how pivotal it is to incorporate wellness within our curriculum. Our wellness initiatives are multimodal, beginning in orientation and are reinforced throughout residency. These include but are not limited to:
- X+Y schedule augments clinic time and improves inpatient coverage
- Clear and equitable coverage policies for illness/fatigue
- Early finalization of scheduling to decrease uncertainty
- Use of Shift Admin scheduling system to empower resident shift adjustments
- Peer Mentorship Program
- Quarterly check-ins with chief resident
- Faculty Advisor for each resident
Stress Mitigation and Resilience:
- Fatigue and burnout recognition and management
- Narrative Writing in Medicine
- Meaning in Medicine Book Club
- Wellness Residency Sessions (yoga, meditation, mindfulness)
- Debriefing sessions after patient deaths or difficult encounters
- Debriefing sessions after PICU and NICU rotations with CMC RiSE Team
Social Events:
- Residency-sponsored social events (Intern Retreat, Residents as Leaders, Holiday Party, and Graduation)
- Friendly monthly resident cohort competitions culminating with an end-of-the-year Resident Appreciation Week
- Resident-led social events
- Faculty-led Zumba classes
- Annual faculty vs. resident softball game
Our residents also have access to the UTSW Resident Wellness and Counseling Center for mental health and wellness services. For more information about the center, click here.
- Pediatric Residency Program
- 214-456-5518